Jumat, 22 April 2011

did i need to move on ? even..

kalo laper ya makan..
kalo ngantuk yaa tidur..
kalo putus yaa move on..
itulah kutipan mbak willa di twit buat gue..
dalem ah, orang gue lg galau disuruh makan sm tidur..wakakakakkk

tapi ternyata mami gue pun sudah ga respect ke si B , ohh goshh..
my mom said "he not deserved to be ur boyfriend , dear"..
why mom ??
and she's back to sleep again , ignoring me when i act like a baby in her room..hehehe
this is my heart ,
my own heart , why i can't decide to want him back..
mungkin gue munafik..
mungkin gue pengecut..
but im just try to be honest , if i still love him ;))

dearest god , just please if B really love me like i do , put he's on my side..
but if not please let my heart forget about that and give him the best..

1 komentar:

  1. Hahaha .. Gy, Allah udah ngasih petunjuk, jelas2 melalui omongan orang tua loh itu.
    kutipian : my mom said "he not deserved to be ur boyfriend , dear"..
    God already gives you some clues, the choice is yours.
    Be wise to yourself ;)
